The Best Acupuncturists in London and Why

Acupuncture treatments are on the rise in the UK, and generally it is a worldwide rise – but how would you find a good acupuncturist for treatment for your specific condition, as well as within London area?

According to BAL (Best Acupuncture London) – they say there are various levels of acupuncture, and dozens if not hundreds of systems and subsystems within acupuncture for various diseases and conditions – some work better for some, whilst not as effective for other disorders. It is said that acupuncture masters were the one who taught folk acupuncture (common acupuncture) to farmers to help with possible medical crisis in villages in China – these were known as Barefoot Doctors when directly translated into english.

The BAL team is the same team that set up the acupuncture licensing system in the western world, such as the United States and have come from the Orient (various countries) to set this up for helping people find the right kind of medical practitioner after treatment.

How does Acupuncture Work?

Acupuncture is actually an advanced science which we have yet to explore the extent of its capabilities – it works on an energetic level (yes this is still science and not magic or anything of that sort) by opening channels in the body to get a certain result – that said, a needle entered into the acupuncture point can have many intentions behind it, sometimes it is just to get a nerve reaction – and sometimes it is to target the acupuncture point, due to its positioning to help with a certain condition of the body.

Is Acupuncture Scientifically Proven?

It is contrary to popular belief, that we think acupuncture isn’t proven – but actually, it has well over 5,000 years of clinical history – this is more than modern medicine currently has – so it is almost insulting to ask that question of proven – it is more of the question, do you understand the clinical history and how to use it.

But the Meridians aren’t actually physically there, at least I never heard of them being there in Biology class?

The meridians were a long debated discussion in acupuncture – and strangely, even many acupuncturists don’t have a clear, easy to understand explanation of this – that said, this has been resolved and the answer was discovered by a Korean scientist (source here) who used a dye to discover the meridian pathways – these pathways are usually collapsed when the body is dead, hence autopsy could never reveal these in the past.

New Ambulance Response System – Service Response Time



The NHS is changing the way the emergency services respond and attend to those who are in need of medical attention. From 1st November, when you call 999, your emergency will be categorised into one of 4 categories.

Why Has there Been a Change?

Often times, ambulance services are measured on the time it takes for them to reach an emergency call which is often within 8 minutes. However, not all patients require such immediate attention which unnecessarily strains resources as sometimes more than one ambulance is sent at a time to reach the 8 minute target.

The Ambulance Response Team has been set up to overcome these inefficiencies so patients with life threatening emergencies can get help faster but also be transported quicker for proper treatment, first time round. This could mean that less serious cases may be referred to elsewhere or have to wait slightly longer but as a result, we increase the chances of saving someone with a life threatening emergency.

However, just because call handlers have more time to decide what service is required, it will not delay ambulances reaching you. Now, when you get connected to one of the handlers, they will ask you the following three questions:

Is the patient breathing?
Is the patient conscious?
Please describe exactly what happened.

They will then be grouping any 999 medical emergency call in one the following categories:

Category 1:
These are people with life-threatening injuries or diseases such as cardiac arrest or a serious allergic reaction.
Response time – 7 minutes

Category 2:
This is for emergency calls for conditions such as burns, epilepsy or strokes. The call handlers will advise what action to be taking until the ambulance arrives. A stroke patient under this new system can be taken for treatment quicker as the correct vehicle will be sent first time round.
Response time – 18 minutes

Category 3:
This is for urgent calls such as late stages of labour, non-severe burns and diabetes. This will include steps to take to treat in your home until the ambulance arrives. These calls will be responded to 90% of the time.
Response time – 120 minutes

Category 4:
This is for less urgent conditions such as diarrhoea, vomiting or urinary infection. Patients may be given advice over the phone or referred to a GP or pharmacist. These calls will be responded to 90% of the time.
Response time – 180 minutes